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sábado, 3 de octubre de 2015



PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION elementary interactive book


English Pronunciation
Write the word and listen it: 
                                                    Dictionary        Translator
Words that describe physical appearance

short, average height, tall, about 160 cm tall, thin, medium height, giant, tiny (diminuto)

small, average build, slightly fat, chubby (regordete), bony (huesudo/a) skinny(+ esbelto)=slim and slender (++ esbelto), overweight, muscular = well-built
a rather plump (slightly fat –regordete) or stout (rather fat – robusto, corpulento) man
an obese couple
broad (ancho) and solid (= strong à robusto)  = stocky (bajo y fornido)
Build = the shape and size of the human body
Weight = how heavy someone or something is
around 25, in his 30s, in her 50s, in his mid-thirties(34-36), in her late 60s (67-69), in his early 70s (71-73)
short, long, medium length / shoulder length
straight, wavy, curly, a ponytail (cola de caballo), long sideburns/sideboards (patillas), bald, plaits/braids (trenzas), pigtails (2 coletas), bun (moño), fringe (flequillo), spiky hair, dreadlocks (rastas),ringlet, twister/bent (tirabuzón), frizzy (encrespado), quiff (tupé), tuft (mechón), pageboy, , layered hair (capeado), shaved hair (afeitado), streaked hair (con mechas o reflejos)
white, grey, blond, light/dark brown, red, black,
white, fair (pale in colour), ginger-haired/red-haired, auburn (caoba)
a crew-cut (pelo cortado al rape), (he has) receding hair (entradas) he has a receding hairline, split ends (puntas abiertas), permed –hair (con permanente), shaggy or mess hair (pelo engreñado) wisp (mechón), streaks or highlights (mechas), streaked hair (cabello con mechas, cabello teñido)
She’s had highlights put into her hair. Ella se ha puesto mechas en su pelo.
The hair strands (hebras) are so feather (las mechas de su pelo son muy ligeras)
Square, round, plain, wide, narrow, heart shape face, oval,
Thin-faced, round-faced, a chubby face, pasty-faced (cara pálida), fresh-faced (cara joven),
A beard (barba), moustache (bigote), goatee (perilla)
She is thin-faced (adjective)
She has got a thin face (adjective+noun)
Plain face = (especially of a woman) not beautiful or attractive
Light, white, olive-skinned, dark-skinned, tanned (bronceado)
Freckles (pecas), wrinkles (arrugas), crow’s feet (patas de gallo), mole (lunar cuerpo), scar (cicatriz), wart (verruga), beauty spot(lunar cara), pimple (espinilla)     

Complexion= the natural colour and condition of the skin on a person’s face.
Green/light green, blue, brown, black, nut
beautiful, big, narrow, bulging (saltones), almonds(almendrados)
Beautiful, pretty (woman), handsome (man), sexy, cute, good looking,
not very good looking, attractive,
smart ( clean, tidy and rather formal) and elegant (attractive and designed well), always well-dressed
scruffy (badly dressed in clothes that have been worn a lot - desaliñado)
and untidy-looking / messy-looking
rather unattractive
Wears glasses, contact lens, sunglasses, band, strip (lazo, cinta del pelo), hairclip (pasador,totó), hairpin (horquilla moño) headband/hairband(diadema),  cap, hat, picture hat (pamela), headscarf (pañuelo para la cabeza), rubber band (gomas del pelo), hairnet (redecilla), hairpiece (postizo)

By Sonia and Susan


Hay sustantivos que sirven para describir a una persona a parte de adjetivos
Ej. a fuddy -duddy, quiere decir que la persona está anticuada.
                               She is the life and soul of the party. Ella es divertida, la alegría de la fiesta

Easy-going (se deja llevar, y no se enfada fácilmente)
Person who is not easily upset or annoyed
Self-confident (seguro, confía en sí mismo, toma buenas decisiones)
Person who believes in their own success
Open-minded (mente abierta)
Person who accepts other ideas and opinions
Hard-working (muy trabajador)
Person who makes a lot of effort
Strong-willet, determined (tenaz, decidido, resuelto)
Person who is determined to do what the want
Broad-minded (tolerante,liberal)
Person who is a liberal and tolerant person
Sociable, outgoing, extrovert (sociable, extrovertido)
Enyoying spending time with other people
Cautions (cauteloso, prudente)
Being careful about what you say or do.
Witty, ingenious (ingenioso)
Person who is able to say or write clever, amusing things
Responsible (responsable)
Person who behaves properly and sensibly
Presentable (buena presencia)
Person who looks fairly tidy or attractive
Respectable (respetado)
Person who is approved of by society.
Moraly correct
Acceptable (es lo suficientemente bueno)
Person who is good enough
Dependable, reliable, a brick
(de confianza, fiable)
Person who you can trust or rely on
Thoughtful (pensativo)
Person who is thinking
Person who is calm and reasonable
Wise (sabio)
Person who knows a lot of things
Adventurous, daring (aventurero, osado)
Person who likes willing to take risk
Loyal, faithful (leal, fiel)
Person who is staying or supporting a particular person
Cheerful (alegre)
Person who is fun
Modest (modesto)
Person who is humble
Curious (curioso)
Person who has a strong desire to know about something
Creative (creativo)
Imaginativo (imaginativo)
Person who has the skill and ability to produce something new and exciting ideas
Understanding, sympathetic (comprensivo)
Person who understands your problems and gives you his support
Organized (organizado, ordenado)
Person who is able to plan his work, life...well and an efficient way
Talkative (hablador)
Person who talks a lot
A gossip, garrulous, a windbag
(cotilla, habla mucho sin decir nada interesante o importante)
Person who talks a lot without saying any interesting or important
Polite (educado)
Person who has a good manners and respect for the feelings of others
The salt ot the earth
Good and available person
The life and soul of the party
Funny and amusing person

 sensitive (sensible)
 person who is easily ofend or upset
 sensible (sensato)
 person who makes a good decisions
assertive (asertivo)
expressing his/her opinion with confidence
optimistic (optimista)
having a positive attitude to life


A fuddy-duddy (anticuado, obsoleto)
a stick -in the-mud (que no le gusta cambiar)

 person who in the past or obsolet
person who does not want to change. Inflexible
a pain of the neck, annoying (que irrita, es insoportable)
 person who is annoying
a troublemaker (problemático)
 person who gives problems
a couch potato, a slob, a layabout, lazy, untidy (perezoso, gandúl, que no le gusta hacer nada)
 person who does not to much work.
person who likes watching a lot TV on the sofa
 a golden boy (mimado)
 a busy-body, nosy (metementodo)

 a sponger (gorrón)

 a slave driver (negrero)
 a bimbo (bonita pero tonta)
person who is sexy but stupid
 a jerk (imbécil)
 a moron (estúpido, idiota)
 pessimistic (pesimista)
having a negative attitude to life
 vegetable (vida aburrida)
person who has a boring life
 absent-minded, forgetful (despistado, olvidadizo)
person who tends to forget things
 conceited (engreído, presumido)
person who has too much pride in yourself and what you do
 impulsive, rash, reckless (impulsivo, precipitado, imprudente)
doing something that may not be sensible without first thinking about possible results, done in this way
 impatiet (impaciente)
person who does not wait for a long
 moody (con cambios de humor)
person who has mood that change quickly and often
sullen, bad-tempered ( mal pronto, mal temperamento)
person who is bad-tempered and not speaking
 selfish (egoísta)
caring only about himself rather than about other people
 obstinate,stubborn (terco, obtinado, de cabeza dura)
determined not to change your opinion or attitude
 introvert, shy (introvertido, tímido)
person who dislike staying with other people
 aggressive (agresivo)

 bossy (mandón)
person who is always telling people what to do
 clumsy (torpe)
people who moves or does things in an awkward way
 jealous (celoso)

 mean, stingy, petty (tacaño, mezquino)
person who doesn't like giving or sharing things and money
 dishonest (deshonesto)

 rude (grosero)
person who has or shows a lack of respect for other people and their feelings
liar (mentiroso, liante)

 irresponsible (irresponsable)

 proud (orgulloso)

 insensitive (insensible)

 arrogant (arrogante, presuntuoso)

 heavy (pesado, atascao)

 boring (aburrido, soso)

 cowardly (cobarde)

 boastful (fanfarrón)

 spiteful (malicioso, rencoroso, mala intención)

 restless (inquieto)

cheeky (pícaro, atrevido)

 naive (ingenuo)

 vindictive (vengativo)

 a wet blanquet, spoilt sport (aguafiestas)
 person who is not enthusiastic and who stops other people how enyoying themselves
 unreliable (no fiable ni de confianza)

 ambitious (ambicioso)

 dominant (dominante)


To ask about people´s physical appearance we say:

  • What do you look like?
  • What does he look like?
  • What does she look like?
  • What do they look like?

To ask about people´s character we say:

      WHAT + BE + SUBJECT +  LIKE?
  • What are you like?
  • What is he like?
  • What is she  like?
  • What are they  like?
 can mean both looks and character

To ask about people´s height we say:
  • How tall are you?  ¿Cuánto mides?
  • How tall is he?
  • How tall is she?
  • How tall are they?

To ask about people´s weight we say:
  • How much do you weigh?   ¿Cuánto pesas?
  • How much does he weigh?
  • How much does she weigh?
  • How much do they weigh?

To ask about people´s age we say:
  • How old are you?   ¿Cuántos años tienes? / ¿Qué edad tienes?
  • How old is he?
  • How old is she?
  • How old are they?
Did you know that a person's personality can be detected by their face? if you were wondering what personality you have, then take this quiz to find out!
What does your appearance say about your personality? take this quiz to find out what your appearance says about you


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