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jueves, 12 de mayo de 2016




To start with, for people to spend a nice time at the beach, some preventive measures should be taken by them and their family in order to be safe and protected.

Apart from driving carefully in case of not living at the beach, people should always carry some convenient things such as; high protection sun cream, head protection, appropriate clothing and footwear, energy bars, some fruit and water or other proper drinks.

According to experts, the warning flags must be respected and it’s also necessary to learn to respect other people and keep an eye on children at all times, as well.

On the one hand, people should sunbathe within a few hours in which the sun is less harmful. The best time to do it is early morning until before noon or after 6 pm. Sunbathing either at a different time or for a long time or without regard for temperature changes after meals could lead to heat stroke, burn injuries, digestion cuts, dehydration and even death.

On the other hand, people ought not to swim with rough water or undertow. It is said that people should remain calm, try to warn anyone to be rescued and swim softly on the left toward the shore in any of these situations. 

This is an important tip from adepts; 'Don’t get nervous, otherwise, you get exhausted sooner and die before being rescued'.

Regarding the statistics, most of deaths occur every summer owing to people being not sensitive to the risks.

During an open day conference of the Red Cross which was celebrated last year, the rapporteur reported to the audience that people should at least have one first aid or hazard prevention course made.

To conclude, if many people had taken some precautions, complied with warning flags and other advisories, lots of accidents and deaths could have been avoided. 

written by Susan

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